after awile i got bord and disided to c how high i could go i got to around 11000 above ground befor i desided to quit it was funny because i had only used 3 liters of gas
o and the music get repeditive
after awile i got bord and disided to c how high i could go i got to around 11000 above ground befor i desided to quit it was funny because i had only used 3 liters of gas
o and the music get repeditive
Below average
its addicting when u start but after u beat its dull second u might want to improve graphics the sound was ok but music got repeditive
i just hated the nija part so hard and music got repetitive but otherwise great job real fun
every one should play this
I would have liked it more if it had som kind of music and a little better more constent gravity because some times it seamed like it was way to little and others it seamed TO STROUNG it also reminded me alot of KItten cannon =)
i dont no som might i found this addicting i didnt but i wounder wat it b like if the planets were moving
why did it never seem like it ended and because i didnt think there was and an end after a wile i just gave up
So boring it isnt funny, i beat the hole thing in like 2-30 minute and it isnt worth your time unless you like waisting it on crap
when u got the pistal it was like fireing in the matrix so slow but the enimies wernt so you should increace the pistal speed
Thanks a lot for the review, next time I'll make the pistol shoot faster, probrably.
i havnt actually played the game but i have read the books, and i think keyes might have destroyed more at reach he kill the carrier at the start and then the flag ship sniping the obitalmacs and theres might b a destroyer in theres somware i cant remember and the books is currently being lent to a firend other than that is was ok
Age 35, Male
Life Guard
Chestermere high
Chestermere AB
Joined on 6/20/04